GSM File Naming Conventions



BDw_000_005_EV_N_P_AU_NAT_N_20140623.tif - Bulk density (whole earth), 0 to 5cm layer, Estimated value, Numeric, Point support, Australia, National Soil Attribute Maps, Regression Kriging methods, Date of publication
SLT_100_200_95_N_P_AU_WAT_D_20131231.tif - Silt,100 to 200cm layer, 95th percentile confidence limit, Numeric, Point support, Australia, TERN Soils Project - WA, Polygon dissagregation methods, Date of publication


Soil Property Code Soil Property AttributeDescription Units
BDW Bulk Density - Whole Earth Bulk Density of the whole soil (including coarse fragments) in mass per unit volume by a method equivalent to the core method g/cm3
BDF Bulk Density - Fine Earth Bulk Density of the fine earth fraction of the soil (< 2 mm) in mass per unit volume by a method equivalent to the core method g/cm3
SOC Organic Carbon mass fraction of carbon by weight in the < 2 mm soil material as determined by dry combustion at 900° C %
CLY Clay < 2 um mass fraction of the < 2 mm soil material determined using the pipette method %
SLT Silt 2-20 um mass fraction of the < 2 mm soil material determined using the pipette method %
SND Sand 20 um - 2 mm mass fraction of the < 2 mm soil material determined using the pipette method %
PHW pH - Water pH of a 1:5 soil water solution None
PHC pH - CaCl2 pH of 1:5 soil/0.01M calcium chloride extract None
AWC Available Water Capacity Available water capacity computed for each of the specified depth increments %
NTO Total Nitrogen Total nitrogen %
PTO Total Phosphorus Total phosphorus %
ECD Electrical Conductivity Electrical conductivity in 1:5 water-soil solution dS/m
CEC Cation Exchange Capacity Cations extracted using barium chloride (BaCl2) meq/100g
ECE Effective Cation Exchange Capacity Cations extracted using barium chloride (BaCl2) plus exchangeable H + Al meq/100g
DER Depth of Regolith Depth to hard rock. Depth is inclusive of all regolith. m
DES Depth of Soil Depth of soil profile (A & B horizons) m
DPE Plant Exploitable (effective) Depth Effective depth in cm as defined in the USDA Soil Survey Manual. The lower limit of soil is normally the lower limit of biologic activity, which generally coincides with the common rooting depth of native perennial plants. This depth is where root penetration is strongly inhibited because of physical (including soil moisture or temperature) and/or chemical characteristics. cm
CFG Coarse Fragments mass fraction of the soil material > 2 mm %



Depths Codes Depths Description
000_005 0-5cm
005_015 5-15cm
015_030 15-30cm
030_060 30-60cm
060_100 60-100cm
100_200 100-200cm



Component Component Description
5 5th percentile confidence limit
EV Estimated Value
95 95th percentile confidence limit


Data Type

Data Type Estimate Spatial Support Description
N Numeric Value
C Categorical value



Estimate Spatial Support (GSM v2.3 Tier 1 or 2) Estimate Spatial Support Description
P Point estimate
B Block estimate



Country Code (ISO country code) Country Name
AU Australia



Project Name Project Name Code
NAT  National Soil Attribute Maps - Composite product
TRN Australia-wide 3D Soil Attribute Maps
WAT Western Australia Polygon Dissaggregation (DAFW)
SAT South Australia Polygon Dissaggregation(DEWNR)
TAS Tasmania (DPIWE) Soil Attribute Mapping



Product Type Product Type Description
N Data mining-kriging methods
C Composite models.  Various modelling combined with variance weighted averaging
D Polygon dissagregation methods



Date Date Description
20140623 YYYYMMDD
